Saturday, March 21, 2015

One thing leads to another...

In a fit of indulgence when we went shopping last week, Marisa and I bought a 1/4 pound of prosciutto. Our food budget is pretty precise, so an unplanned purchase of that nature is very unusual. However, after perusing the internet (she's not sure what site), Marisa was feeling inspired. Plus, I had been craving sandwiches.

Once we had the prosciutto, avocado and a baguette were the next purchases.  Unfortunately, while waiting for the avocados to ripen, midterms happened and the bread went stale (no worries, it was made into croutons for an excellent Caesar salad, with amazing dressing).

Midterms ended, and we went on our weekly excursion to the farmers' market. 

Once there we picked up a small amount of early season green house lettuce, eggs, and yet another baguette. 

Feeling victorious, I entertained the chef (and cleaned up the kitchen afterwords), while Marisa made the long awaited prosciutto, avocado and egg open face sandwich. It was absolutely delicious. 

and finally:
Let this be evidence that I in fact DO clean the dishes!

Meals on the horizon this week include something made from these wrapped beets in the crockpot, and this fuerte Holy Schmitt horseradish (also farmers' market purchases). 
Holy Schmitt that's spicy!

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