Saturday, March 7, 2015

Root vegetable medley soup

Marisa knows I like root vegetables (in just about any form). After our grocery shopping trip yesterday, Marisa decided to make root vegetables medley soup!

This soup wasn't based on any recipes, but rather by what we had on hand:
half a squash (ok, fine. Not actually a root vegetable)
parsley root
a leek
some other stuff

This was our first experience with parsley root (by the by, did you know that the parsley looking greens on top are, in fact, parsley and can be used as such? Not a surprise I guess...):

I was hungry and lingering around the kitchen Marisa got me out of the way with a glass of wine and a little ramekin teaser of soup, toped with parsley and olive oil!
Not pictured: glass of wine

Oh, and this is what's for dinner tomorrow:

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